Beroe Stara Zagora 1979-80 European Away-Trikot

Vs Juventus
Team Beroe Stara Zagora
Saison 79-80
Typ European Away
Marke In House
Liga UEFA Cup Winners' Cup
Keine Stimmen
Credits Vs Juventus
Hinzugefügt von glasat na beroetsa (voice of the beroetsa) Beroe Stara Zagora
Amateur (6) Instagram

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Aktualisiert 2023-05-13 19:42 CET

Beroe Stara Zagora - Trikot-Historie

Beroe Stara Zagora 1979-80 Trikots

UEFA Cup Winners' Cup 1979-80 Trikots

In House 1979-80 Trikots


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